Batch Start Dates: CAT Online-Flexi program 2025Enroll Now for Online-Flexi Program

Course New Batch Starting Date Timing Classes in a Week
CAT 2025 Weekday 11th Feb. 2025 (Tuesday) Early Morning @ 7:00 AM, Morning @ 9:30 AM and Evening @ 6:30 PM 3 classes per week
(Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday)
CAT 2025 Weekend 9th Feb. 2025 (Sunday) 9:00 AM & 11:30 AM on Saturday and 9:00 AM on Sunday 3 classes per week
(Two on Saturday & One on Sunday)

T.I.M.E. offers top class training for CAT and other MBA entrance exams. It's a one-stop shop for your preparation to get into top B-Schools. The course T.I.M.E. offers takes care of your preparation for the written exam as well as your preparation for the subsequent stages of Group Discussions, Written Ability Test (WAT/Essay) and Personal or Group Interviews. T.I.M.E.'s training programme for CAT is tailor-made to prepare you for CAT as well as other entrance exams like XAT, SNAP, NMAT, MAT, etc. In states where there are state-specific CETs, T.I.M.E. offers separate courses for students who want to prepare only for the CETs.

Course Offering

Study Material Physical material with online tests
Doubt solving In person/online
Mentoring In person/online
AIMCATs (including AIMCATs (Self Administered) with video solutions) 55
OMETs 40
Online Sectional Tests 9000 Questions

The classroom programme for CAT is the most preferred choice for thousands of MBA aspirants every year. The programme is designed to take you from the basic concepts to the advanced CAT level problems, focussing on each area of preparation including the written test, form filling, 2nd stage preparation for Group Discussion/Written Ability Test/Personal Interview (GWPI) and Other Management Test (OMET) preparation. The following section takes you through the training methodology in a step-by-step manner.

T.I.M.E.’s Training Methodology

Concepts training: Helps you develop the basic knowledge and skills for various areas that are tested in CAT and other management entrance tests. The fundamental concepts are taught in relevant detail. Each session, apart from the regular chalk & board teaching, is supplemented by a discussion on handout papers, and the 'Study Material booklets' This gives students a good exposure on a variety of problems and helps them in developing conceptual clarity at the root level. Special assistance is also given to non-mathematics students to help them improve their quantitative skills.

Doubt Sessions and other sessions/seminars: The classroom students have the privilege to attend the doubt sessions conducted by the T.I.M.E. centres on a regular basis. The students can ask their subject related doubts in these sessions. If a student is weak in a particular area, then the faculty also helps her/him in understanding the concept in greater detail for more clarity.

Apart from this, sessions like B-School counselling, Test-taking strategies seminars, Achievers’ Meet, etc are also conducted to help and motivate the students.

Student Home Page: This is an online repository of all your sectional tests, full length tests, All India Mock CATs (AIMCATs), GWPI Briefcase, etc. It is a personal study resource for the students where they can take various tests and have a detailed analysis on the same.

Section-wise Testing: This module helps you achieve thoroughness in individual test areas and is delivered in an online practice test format. They contain over 9000 questions across Verbal, Logical Reasoning, DI, and Quantitative Ability areas. A certain number of tests are uploaded every month with the suggestion that you complete these tests as soon as they are uploaded. The tests are classified into the following:

  1. Foundation Tests: These are generally based on a single topic. Students who want more practice on a particular topic can write these tests and have a detailed performance analysis post that.
  2. Intermediate Tests: These tests are designed by clubbing multiple topics from a broader common area e.g., topics like Time & Distance, Time & Work, Percentages, etc from Arithmetic are combined to test the student’s understanding on this. This again, is followed by a detailed performance analysis.
  3. Advanced Tests: These types of tests are full fledged tests where the questions can be from any area. These are time bound tests as the actual sections in CAT are.

Comprehensive Testing: Here you are tested and evaluated with a large number of test papers modeled along the lines of recent CAT papers. This would help you identify your strengths and areas of improvement for your CAT test.

  1. All India Mock CATs (AIMCATs – 25 nos.): AIMCATs are arguably the most popular Mock CAT series across the nation. The unique number of test takers during the peak season may hit as high as 70,000, which gives the students a fair amount of idea in benchmarking their performance against the rest in the country. Apart from this, each question is followed by a detailed text and video solution, which is a unique feature of AIMCATs. The faculty also discusses, for a few AIMCATs, the ideal strategy to attempt them.
  2. All India Mock CATs (Self Administered) (AIMCAT-SAs - 30 nos.): These tests are AIMCATs that can be taken whenever the students want to. These AIMCATs provide flexibility to the students in terms of schedule while also providing all the inputs like the scheduled AIMCATs. The percentile for these tests gets updated dynamically as more and more students take the test.

The AIMCATs are conducted both in Invigilated mode and Non-Invigilated mode. Unlike SAMCATs, the AIMCATs are conducted over a period of two day or four day window depending upon the mode in which it is conducted. The AIMCATs are so close to the actual exam that the actual performance of a student in CAT, in most of the cases is almost the same as in AIMCATs. All in all, AIMCATs are the best bet for a serious candidate to help him gauge and fine tune his performance.

Training for Other Exams: Our CAT Course also prepares you for various other management entrance tests like XAT, SNAP, NMAT, MAT conducted by various B-schools across the country. Institute specific classes and about 40 tests (OMETs - Other Management Entrance Tests) prepare you completely to excel in these exams as well.

Workshops/special sessions on specific topics like Decision Making, Higher Mathematics, etc, which are a part of some OMETs are also conducted to help the students.

Essay, GD & Interview training: This is provided in two modules, to help you prepare for the final stage in the selection process.

Module I: Foundation and practice sessions with individual and group feedback.

Module II: Extensive practice sessions, including mock Interviews and a series of GK lectures for the students shortlisted for the GWPI round of B-school selection. The sessions are conducted by the alumni of IITs, IIMs, and other premier B-Schools of India. This helps the students in understanding the process in a much better way, especially from those who themselves went through such a process earlier. Thorough feedback is provided by the faculty members to help you improve on your selection prospects.

So, Enroll Now and get cracking. All the best!!

Course Offering

No.of online classes 240 recorded sessions#
Study Material Online ebooks *
Doubt solving Through email/chat/telegram groups
Mentoring Through email/chat/telegram groups
GWPI Support Optional (on additional payment)
AIMCATs (including AIMCATs (Self Administered) with video solutions) 35
OMETs 15
Online Sectional Tests 3500 Questions

*Physical material (17 study material booklets) is available on chargeable basis.*

**Chargeable based on the b-school call that the student gets.

# Classes will be streamed at scheduled dates and times. Along with this, all videos, including most of the videos of classes yet to be streamed will be made available in the video library. Students can select any of the videos available and watch them to prepare instead of waiting for any specific class to be streamed.

The program ensures that students who have not started to prepare for CAT 25 so far, can do so from the safety of their homes right away and get cracking to bell the coveted CAT. The programme is designed to train students from the basic concepts to advanced CAT level problems, along with those of Other Management Tests (OMETs).

Students would continue with classes in the online mode till the end of the course.

The following section takes you through the training methodology in a step-by-step manner.

T.I.M.E.’s Training Methodology

Concepts training: Helps you develop the basic knowledge and skills for various areas that are tested in CAT and other management entrance tests. The fundamental concepts are taught in relevant detail. Most of the classes are taught using a pre-designed set of questions. These questions sets, called class handouts, are available on your Student Home Page (SHP), your personalised login page on our website, for you to access along with all the study material booklets. This gives students a good exposure on a variety of problems and helps them in developing conceptual clarity at the root level.

Doubt Clarification: Doubts that you get during the class can be typed into the space available on the online class platform. These doubts will be responded to by our expert faculty team. In addition to these, the doubts that you may get during your preparation will be answered through “Telegram Groups”.

Student Home Page: This is an online repository of all your sectional tests, full length tests, All India Mock CATs (AIMCATs) etc. It is a personal study resource for the students where they can take various tests and have a detailed analysis on the same.

Section-wise Testing: This module helps you achieve thoroughness in individual test areas and is delivered in an online practice test format. They contain 3500 questions across Verbal, Logical Reasoning, DI, and Quantitative Ability areas. A certain number of tests are uploaded every month with the suggestion that you complete these tests as soon as they are uploaded. The tests are classified into the following:

  1. Foundation Tests: These are generally based on a single topic. Students who want more practice on a particular topic can write these tests and have a detailed performance analysis post that.
  2. Intermediate Tests: These tests are designed by clubbing multiple topics from a broader common area e.g., topics like Time & Distance, Time & Work, Percentages, etc from Arithmetic are combined to test the student’s understanding on this. This again, is followed by a detailed performance analysis.
  3. Advanced Tests: These types of tests are full fledged tests where the questions can be from any area. These are time bound tests as the actual sections in CAT are.

Comprehensive Testing: Here you are tested and evaluated with a large number of test papers modeled along the lines of recent CAT papers. This would help you identify your strengths and areas of improvement for your CAT test.

  1. All India Mock CATs (AIMCATs – 15 nos.): AIMCATs are arguably the most popular Mock CAT series across the nation. The unique number of test takers during the peak season may hit as high as 70,000, which gives the students a fair amount of idea in benchmarking their performance against the rest in the country. Apart from this, each question is followed by a detailed text and video solution, which is a unique feature of AIMCATs. The faculty also discusses, for a few AIMCATs, the ideal strategy to attempt them.
  2. All India Mock CATs (Self Administered) (AIMCAT-SAs - 20 nos.): These tests are AIMCATs that can be taken whenever the students want to. These AIMCATs provide flexibility to the students in terms of schedule while also providing all the inputs like the scheduled AIMCATs. The percentile for these tests gets updated dynamically as more and more students take the test.

The AIMCATs are conducted both in Invigilated mode and Non-Invigilated mode. Unlike SAMCATs, the AIMCATs are conducted over a period of two day or four day window depending upon the mode in which it is conducted. The AIMCATs are so close to the actual exam that the actual performance of a student in CAT, in most of the cases is almost the same as in AIMCATs. All in all, AIMCATs are the best bet for a serious candidate to help him gauge and fine tune his performance.

Training for Other Exams: Our CAT Course also prepares you for various other management entrance tests like XAT, SNAP, NMAT, MAT etc. conducted by various B-schools across the country. OMET specific classes and about 15 mock OMETs prepare you completely to excel in these exams as well.

So, Enroll Now and get cracking. All the best!!

Watch demo classes and convince yourself of the quality of T.I.M.E. online course :

Introduction to CAT/MBA
Logic Basics - Linear Arrangements
Simple Eq Basics
Critical Reasoning for Reading Comprehension