JEE Previous Papers

JEE Main 2015 was conducted on 4th April 2015 in offline mode in centres within India and abroad. A total of 11.2 lakh students would have appeared for this important national exam. The exam was conducted from 9.30 to 12.30 hrs.

There were 4 versions for JEE MAIN 2015 - A, B, C and D. The order of subjects in each version was different; likewise the options for each question were shuffled too in different versions; there were NO Assertion-Reasoning type questions in the paper similar to last year. But the total marks and the number of questions in ALL versions were the same.

Version Order of Subjects
A Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics
B Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics
C Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
D Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry

Physics Part
The overall difficulty level of the Physics part is slightly on the higher side. Some questions were time consuming; some areas like wave optics, properties of liquids etc. were totally not represented in the paper. But Thermodynamics has suddenly become an area of importance in this year's JEE Main paper. Percentage of difficult questions has gone down compared to JEE Main 2014, but due to the decrease in easy questions and the increase in medium level questions, the Physics part of the paper was rated 'difficult' by students.

The overall difficulty level of the Physics part is represented in the graph below and it is very clear that the number of 'easy' questions has gone down.

The topic wise distribution of the questions is shown below:

Chemistry Part

Majority of the questions in the Chemistry part of the JEE Main 2015 are in the range of easy to moderate. The overall difficulty level in this year is less compared to last year. Usually application level questions are expected from Physical and Organic chemistry areas, but this year questions from these two areas were quite straight in nature. But one question from Inorganic Chemistry was based on practical part and it would have been difficult to answer. More over, this year's contribution from Inorganic Chemistry is more compared to previous years.

As given below about 53% of the paper was considered 'Easy' and only about 7% of the paper was 'difficult' and hence this was a student friendly paper.

The topic wise analysis of the JEE Main 2015 paper for Chemistry is shown below.

Mathematics Part

Mathematics part of JEE Main 2015 was challenging as far as a student is concerned. Even a well prepared student might not identify all 'easy' questions and if he/ she avoid the traps set in between they will be able to live through. The paper has only about 27% of marks from ‘easy’ category questions and has over 50% of the paper set in the medium difficulty level. Few questions that posed difficulty are genuinely concept wise difficult and tricky in nature.

There was only one question each from Statistics and Mathematical Reasoning and two direct questions from trigonometry.

Algebra, Coordinate Geometry and Differential Calculus (as expected) had major shares. Topic wise analysis is given below.