Explore the topics ranging from Verbal Ability to Quant, from building fundamental concepts to comprehending advanced nitty gritty of all the subjects in IPMAT and other prominent BBA entrance exams in these clear and lucid classes by expert faculty including IIM graduates who not only make the concepts easier to comprehend but also share tips, techniques, shortcuts and motivation so that a student can stand out in a competitive exam like IPMAT under the best mentorship and guidance of T.I.M.E which is the national leader in aptitude with consistent record of sending thousands of candidates to IIMs every year. . Students can keep tracking their progress through plenty of mocks and exercises and recognise their strength and weaknesses that they can discuss live with faculty in doubt clearing session and not to mention in dedicated telegram groups. These classes are presented in a way that a candidates starts feeling more and more confident with each session and clarity that follows gives the candidate an edge over other competitor to get into Campus of one’s choice. These recorded sessions can be revisited for revision thereby giving a candidate a precious collection of quality sessions.
Exams covered IPM Indore / Rohtak / JIPMAT / SET / NPAT / HSEE / Christ / Delhi BBA/HM etc
Online LIVE
- No. of Classes - 220 (450+ Hours)
- SM booklets Study Material - 22 books (E-Books)
- Mocks - 100
- Sectional tests - 300
- Video Solutions Yes - for 20 mocks
- One to one menoring session - Yes
- Dedicated Student Home page with detailed Performance analysis
- Doubt solving sessions
- Telegram Group Support for Doubt Solving and Guidance Attendance Tracking and Monitoring
- Daily update on General Awareness, Current Affairs and GK
- Exams covered: IPM Indore / Rohtak / JIPMAT / SET / NPAT / HSEE / Christ / Delhi BBA/HM etc
Actual Fee: 79,950
Offer Price: 59,950
(Including GST)
Limited period offer
- No. of Classes: 220 (450+ Hours)
- Study Material - 22 books (E-Books)
- Mock Tests - 100
- Online Sectional tests - 300
- Student Portal - Yes
- Performance and Feedback Report - Yes
- Live Doubt solving sessions - 2 sessions in a month on alternate Sundays
- Daily update on General Awareness, Current Affairs and GK
- Dedicated Student Home page with detailed Performance analysis
- Telegram Group Support for Doubt Solving and Guidance
- Exams Covered : IPM Indore / Rohtak / JIPMAT / SET / NPAT / HSEE / Christ / Delhi BBA/HM etc
Actual Fee: 64,950
Offer Price: 49,950
(Including GST)
Limited period offer
- No. of Hours: 200
- Study Material - books (E-Books): 33
- Mock Tests - 120
- Online Sectional tests - 175
- Student Portal - Yes
- Performance and Feedback Report - Yes
- Doubt solving sessions
- Daily update on General Awareness, Current Affairs and GK
- Covers CLAT, AILET, LSAT, SLAT, IPM Indore/Rohtak/JIPMAT etc.
- Dedicated Student Home page with detailed Performance analysis
- Telegram Group Support for Doubt Solving and Guidance
- Attendance Tracking and Monitoring
Will be updated shortly
Exams covered IPM Indore / Rohtak / JIPMAT / SET / NPAT / HSEE / Christ / Delhi BBA/HM etc
Online Live
- No. of Hours - 240
- SM booklets - Study Material - 15 books (E-Books)
- Mocks - 50
- Sectional tests - 150
- Video Solutions - 10
- One to one menoring session - Yes
- Student Portal - Dedicated Student Home page with detailed Feedback & Performance analysis
- Telegram Group Support for Doubt Solving and Guidance
- Attendance Tracking and Monitoring
- Daily update on General Awareness, Current Affairs and GK
Price: 49,950
(Including GST)
- No. of Hours: - 240
- Study Material - 15 books (E-Books)
- Mock Tests - 50
- Online Sectional tests - 300
- Student Portal - Yes
- Live Doubt solving sessions - 2 sessions in a month on alternate Sundays
- Current Affairs - Daily update on General Awareness, Current Affairs and GK
- Performance and Feedback Report - Yes
- Dedicated Student Home page with detailed Performance analysis
- Telegram Group Support for Doubt Solving and Guidance
- Daily update on General Awareness, Current Affairs and GK
Actual Fee: 44,950
Offer Price: 34,950
(Including GST)
Limited period offer
Crash Course
- No. of Hours - 120 (Interactive Divided into 2 Modules)
- Module-1: Essential-90 Hrs
- Module-2: Additional-30 Hrs
- E-Books comprehensive study material
- Mocks - 10 - Based on actual paper pattern with detailed performance analysis for each test,subject and topic
- Sectional tests - 100
- One to one mentoring session - Yes
- Student Portal - Dedicated Student Home page with detailed Feedback & Performance analysis
- Telegram Group Support for Doubt Solving and Guidance
- Attendance Tracking and Monitoring
- Daily update on General Awareness, Current Affairs and GK
Price: 11,950
(Including GST)
- No. of Hours - 120 (Recorded Divided into 2 Modules)
- Module-1: Essential-90 Hrs
- Module-2: Additional-30 Hrs
- E-Books comprehensive study material
- Mocks - 10 - Based on actual paper pattern with detailed performance analysis for each test,subject and topic
- Sectional tests - 100
- One to one mentoring session - Yes
- Student Portal - Dedicated Student Home page with detailed Feedback & Performance analysis
- Telegram Group Support for Doubt Solving and Guidance
- Attendance Tracking and Monitoring
- Daily update on General Awareness, Current Affairs and GK
Price: 7,950
(Including GST)