The analysis of IBPS Clerk 2019 Prelim exam held on 8th Dec 2019 (Slot 2) is presented below.

Snapshot of the Exam:

Test Area No of Questions Max Marks Duration
Numerical Ability 35 35 20 Mins
Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 Mins
English Language 30 30 20 Mins
Total 100 100 60 Mins

No of choices per question – 5

Negative marking: 0.25 of the marks assigned to each question

As per feedback received from our students who appeared for this exam, the exam can be rated as easy to moderate.

The section wise analysis of the above mentioned session, as reported by our students, is given below:

Numerical Ability:

According to the feedback received from students who appeared for this exam, this section can be rated as ‘easy to moderate’.

The 10 questions on Simplifications were easy. There were 5 questions on Data Interpretation (Bar Graph) which ranged from easy to moderate.

There were 5 questions each on Number series(Missing Number) and Quadratic Comparisons. These questions can be rated as easy to moderate. Quant questions in this section were 10 in number and pertained to – Percentages, Profit & Loss, Averages, Mixtures & Alligation, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Work, Boats & Streams and Mensuration etc.. These were a combination of easy and moderate.

A student could therefore, solve around 23 to 25 questions in approximately 20 minutes provided he chose judiciously.

Topic No of Questions
Data Interpretation (Bar Graph) 5
Number Series (Missing number) 5
Simplifications 10
Quadratic Comparisons 5
Quant Questions:
(Percentages, Profit & Loss, Averages, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Work, Boats & Streams and Mensuration etc..)


This section has been tagged as 'Easy'.

In this slot, there were five questions each on Deductions (Model: Only a few) and Symbols & Notations. There were three questions each on Blood Relations and Sequence .

The questions on puzzles include one each on Linear arrangement (Ten persons – Two Rows, Circular Arrangement – Eight Persons – All facing centre, Months & Days based etc..). Puzzles were easy to moderate but lengthier than other questions in the same section.

Thus, almost 28 to 30 questions could possibly be solved in about 20 minutes in this section.

The topic -wise split, as per feedback received from our students, is as given below:

Topic No of Questions
Analytical Puzzles(Ten persons – Two Rows, Circular Arrangement – Eight Persons – All facing centre, Months & Days based etc..) 15
Symbols & Notations (Inequalities) 5
Blood Relations 3
Deductions/Syllogisms (Only a few) 5
Sequence 3
Miscellaneous (Meaningful word, Word/Number Arrangement etc..) 4

English Language:

This section too was predictable and was rated as easy to moderate.

The lone Reading Comprehension passage on ‘Work pressure and Stress’ was conventional in its presentation, and seven questions were posed from it. There were one question each on Synonym, Antonym and Fill in the Blank.

PFQs with Sentence Jumbled – Five sentences were given. Each sentence is in jumbled order. Student has to arrange the parts of the sentences first and then arrange the paragraph. The difficulty level can be pegged between easy to moderate. This model was asked in the recent SBI PO 2019 and IBPS PO 2019 exams.

There were six questions on Error Identification, Five questions on Phrase Replacement and seven questions based on Fill in the Blanks (Single Blank).

We can deduce that about 25 - 27 questions could possibly be solved in the given 20 minutes in the English section. The break-up of the questions is as follows:

Topic No of Questions
Reading Comprehension 7
Para Jumbled Sentences (5 Sentences) 5
Fill in the Blanks (Single Blank) 7
Error Identification 6
Phrase Replacement 5

Over all, the difficulty level of the paper in this particular slot can be pegged between Easy to Moderate.

Good Attempts:

Test Area Good Attempts
Numerical Ability 23 - 25
Reasoning Ability 28 - 30
English Language 25 - 27
Overall 76 - 82

The analysis of IBPS Clerk 2019 Prelim exam held on 7th Dec 2019 (Slot 4) is presented below.

Snapshot of the Exam:

Test Area No of Questions Max Marks Duration
Numerical Ability 35 35 20 Mins
Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 Mins
English Language 30 30 20 Mins
Total 100 100 60 Mins

No of choices per question – 5

Negative marking: 0.25 of the marks assigned to each question

As per feedback received from our students who appeared for this exam, the exam can be rated as easy to moderate.

The section wise analysis of the above mentioned session, as reported by our students, is given below:

Numerical Ability:

According to the feedback received from students who appeared for this exam, this section can be rated as ‘easy to moderate’.
The 10 questions on Simplifications were easy. There were 5 questions on Data Interpretation (Table) which ranged from easy to moderate.

There were 5 questions each on Number series(Missing Number) and Quadratic Comparisons. These questions can be rated as easy to moderate. Quant questions in this section were 10 in number and pertained to – Ages, Percentages, Profit & Loss, Averages, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Work and Mensuration etc.. These were a combination of easy and moderate.

A student could therefore, solve around 23 to 25 questions in approximately 20 minutes provided he chose judiciously.

Topic No of Questions
Data Interpretation (Table) 5
Number Series (Missing number) 5
Simplifications 10
Quadratic Comparisons 5
Quant Questions:
(Ages, Percentages, Profit & Loss, Averages, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Work and Mensuration etc..)


This section has tagged as 'Easy'.

In this slot, there were five questions on Coding-Decoding and four questions each on Sequence, Blood Relations and Symbols & Notations.

The questions on puzzles include one each on Linear arrangement (Eight persons – All facing North), Square Arrangement (Persons sitting at the corners facing centre and the persons sitting at the middle facing away from centre), Distributions (Eight persons, four months and two dates). Puzzles were easy to moderate but lengthier than other questions in the same section.

Thus, almost 28 to 30 questions could possibly be solved in about 20 minutes in this section.

The topic -wise split, as per feedback received from our students, is as given below:

Topic No of Questions
Analytical Puzzles(Eight persons – All facing North),
Square Arrangement (Persons sitting at the corners facing centre and the persons sitting at the middle facing away from centre),
Distributions (Eight persons, four months and two dates)
Blood Relations 4
Symbols & Notations 4
Coding - Decoding 5
Sequence 4
Miscellaneous 3

English Language:

This section too was predictable and was rated as easy to moderate.

The lone Reading Comprehension passage on ‘Coffee Production’ was conventional in its presentation, and ten questions were posed from it. There were three questions one each on Synonym, Antonym and Fill in the Blank.

PFQs with Sentence Jumbled – Five sentences were given. Each sentence is in jumbled order. Student has to arrange the parts of the sentences first and then arrange the paragraph. The difficulty level can be pegged between easy to moderate. This model was asked in the recent SBI PO 2019 and IBPS PO 2019 exams.

There were five questions each on Wrongly spelt words, Fill in the Blank (Single Blank) and Phrase Replacement.

We can deduce that about 25 - 27 questions could possibly be solved in the given 20 minutes in the English section. The break-up of the questions is as follows:

Topic No of Questions
Reading Comprehension 10
Para Jumbled Sentences (5 Sentences) 5
Fill in the Blanks (Single Blank) 5
Wrongly Spelt Words 5
Phrase Replacement 5

Over all, the difficulty level of the paper in this particular slot can be pegged between Easy to Moderate.

Good Attempts:

Test Area Good Attempts
Numerical Ability 23 - 25
Reasoning Ability 28 - 30
English Language 25 - 27
Overall 76 - 82

The analysis of IBPS Clerk 2019 Prelim exam held on 7th Dec 2019 (Slot 4) is presented below.

Snapshot of the Exam:

Test Area No of Questions Max Marks Duration
Numerical Ability 35 35 20 Mins
Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 Mins
English Language 30 30 20 Mins
Total 100 100 60 Mins

No of choices per question – 5

Negative marking: 0.25 of the marks assigned to each question

As per feedback received from our students who appeared for this exam, the exam can be rated as easy to moderate.

The section-wise analysis of the above mentioned session, as reported by our students, is given below:

Numerical Ability:

According to the feedback received from students who appeared for this exam, this section can be rated as ‘easy to moderate’.
The 10 questions on Simplifications were easy. There were 5 questions on Data Interpretation (Table) which ranged from easy to moderate.

There were 5 questions each on Number series(Missing Number) and Quadratic Comparisons. These questions can be rated as easy to moderate. Quant questions in this section were 10 in number and pertained to – Simple Equations, Profit & Loss, Averages, Mixtures & Alligation, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Work, Boats & Streams and Mensuration etc.. These were a combination of easy and moderate.

A student could therefore, solve around 23 to 25 questions in approximately 20 minutes provided he chose judiciously.

Topic No of Questions
Data Interpretation (Table) 5
Number Series (Missing number) 5
Simplifications 10
Quadratic Comparisons 5
Quant Questions:
(Simple Equations, Profit & Loss, Averages, Mixtures & Alligation, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Work, Boats & Streams and Mensuration etc..)


This section has tagged as 'Easy'.

In this slot, there were 5 questions each on Coding-Decoding, Sequence and Deductions (Model: Only a Few). There were 2 questions on Direction Sense .

The questions on puzzles include one each on Linear arrangement (Ten persons, Two rows – Row 1 persons facing North and Row 2 persons facing South), Circular Arrangement (All facing Centre – 8 persons), Distributions (Eight persons and Eight months), Comparison of weights). Puzzles were easy to moderate but lengthier than other questions in the same section.

Thus, almost 28 to 30 questions could possibly be solved in about 20 minutes in this section.

The topic -wise split, as per feedback received from our students, is as given below:

Topic No of Questions
Analytical Puzzles( Linear arrangements
(Ten persons, Two rows – Row 1 persons facing North and Row 2 persons facing South),
Circular Arrangement (All facing Centre – 8 persons),
Distributions (Eight persons and Eight months), Comparison of weights)
Deductions (Syllogisms) (Model: Only a Few) 5
Direction Sense 2
Coding - Decoding 5
Sequence 5

English Language:

This section too was predictable and was rated as easy to moderate.

The lone Reading Comprehension passage on ‘Impact of Climate on GDP’ was conventional in its presentation, and eight questions were posed from it. There were two questions each on Synonym, Antonym, 1 question on Fill in the Blank and three questions on comprehension.

PFQs with Sentence Jumbled – Five sentences were given. Each sentence is in jumbled order. Student has to arrange the parts of the sentences first and then arrange the paragraph. The difficulty level can be pegged between easy to moderate. This model was asked in the recent SBI PO 2019 and IBPS PO 2019 exams.

There were six questions on Word Interchange where a sentence with four words in bold was given. One has to replace the words to form a meaningful and grammatically correct sentence.

There were six questions on Error Identification and five questions based on Fill in the Blanks (Single Blank).

We can deduce that about 25 - 27 questions could possibly be solved in the given 20 minutes in the English section. The break-up of the questions is as follows:

Topic No of Questions
Reading Comprehension 8
Para Jumbled Sentences (5 Sentences) 5
Fill in the Blanks (Single Blank) 5
Word Interchange 6
Error Identification 6

Over all, the difficulty level of the paper in this particular slot can be pegged between Easy to Moderate.

Good Attempts:

Test Area Good Attempts
Numerical Ability 23 - 25
Reasoning Ability 28 - 30
English Language 25 - 27
Overall 76 - 82

The analysis of IBPS Clerk 2019 Prelim exam held on 7th Dec 2019 (Slot 3) is presented below.

Snapshot of the Exam:

Test Area No of Questions Max Marks Duration
Numerical Ability 35 35 20 Mins
Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 Mins
English Language 30 30 20 Mins
Total 100 100 60 Mins

No of choices per question – 5

Negative marking: 0.25 of the marks assigned to each question

As per feedback received from our students who appeared for this exam, the exam can be rated as easy to moderate.

The section wise analysis of the above mentioned session, as reported by our students, is given below:

Numerical Ability:

According to the feedback received from students who appeared for this exam, this section did not throw up any surprise and can be rated as ‘easy to moderate’.

The eight questions on Simplifications were easy. There were five questions on Data Interpretation (Table) which ranged from easy to moderate.

There were 6 questions on Number series(Missing Number) that can be rated as easy. Quant questions in this section were twelve in number and pertained to – Percentages, Profit & Loss, Averages, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Boats & Streams and Mensuration etc.. These were a combination of easy and moderate.

A student could therefore, solve around 23 to 25 questions in approximately 20 minutes provided he chose judiciously.

Topic No of Questions
Data Interpretation (Table) 5
Number Series (Missing number) 6
Simplifications 8
Quadratic Comparisons 4
Quant Questions:
Profit & Loss,
Simple & Compound Interest,
Time & Work,
Time & Distance,
Boats & Streams and
Mensuration etc.. )


This section has been tagged as 'Easy'.

In this slot, there were 5 questions each on Coding-Decoding, Sequence and Symbols-Notations. There were 3 questions on Deductions (Model: Only a Few).

The questions on puzzles include one each on Linear arrangement (All persons facing South), Circular Arrangement (All facing Centre – 8 persons), Floor Arrangement (7 persons)). Puzzles were easy to moderate but lengthier than other questions in the same section.

Thus, almost 28 to 30 questions could possibly be solved in about 20 minutes in this section.

The topic -wise split, as per feedback received from our students, is as given below:

Topic No of Questions
Analytical Puzzles
( Linear arrangements (All persons facing South), Circular Arrangement (All facing Centre – 8 persons), Floor Arrangement (7 persons))
Deductions (Syllogisms)
(Model: Only a Few)
Symbols & Notations 5
Coding - Decoding 5
Sequence 5
(Meaningful word, Word/Number Arrangement etc..)

English Language:

This section too was predictable and was rated as easy to moderate.

The lone Reading Comprehension passage on ‘Photosynthesis’was conventional in its presentation, and 8 questions were posed from it. There was one question based on word replacement. (one word in the passage was given in bold and was asked to check whether the given word fit into the sentence)

PFQs with Sentence Jumbled – Five sentences were given. Each sentence is in jumbled order. Student has to arrange the parts of the sentences first and then arrange the paragraph. The difficulty level can be pegged between easy to moderate. This model was asked in the recent SBI PO 2019 and IBPS PO 2019 exams.

There were 5 questions on Word Interchange where a sentence with four words in bold was given. One has to replace the words to form a meaningful and grammatically correct sentence.

There were 6 questions each on Cloze Test and identifying ‘Grammatically Correct Sentence’.

We can deduce that about 25 - 27 questions could possibly be solved in the given 20 minutes in the English section. The break-up of the questions is as follows:

Topic No of Questions
Reading Comprehension 8
Para Jumbled Sentences (5 Sentences) 5
Cloze Test 6
Word Interchange 5
Grammatically Correct Sentence 6

Over all, the difficulty level of the paper in this particular slot can be pegged between Easy to Moderate.

Good Attempts:

Test Area Good Attempts
Numerical Ability 23 - 25
Reasoning Ability 28 - 30
English Language 25 - 27
Overall 76 - 82

It has been reported that the online RRB Office Assistant Prelim examination held on 18th August 2019 was easy. A similar trend was observed for exams held across all slots.

A snap shot of the prelim exam is given below

Duration of the Exam 45 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 40 Qs
Reasoning Ability 40 Qs
Total Number of Qs 80 Qs

An analysis of the above mentioned session, as reported by our students, is given below.

Quantitative Aptitude:

This section, on the whole, has been tagged as 'Moderate'.

  • There were 10 - 15 questions on Data Interpretation spread across slots. Some of these questions involved calculations and were of moderate level of difficulty .
  • There were 5 questions on Number Series(all slots) which were easy to solve.
  • There 10 questions on Simplifications (all slots) were easy to solve
  • The individual questions varied from 5 to 10 in number across different slots. These questions were a combination of Easy and Moderate ones.
  • In all the slots, there were 2 - 5 questions on Quadratic Comparisons.
Topic Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4
Data Interpretation 15(Bar Graph, Table, Caselet) 13 (Table, Bar Graph, Caselet) 14 (Table, Bar Graph, Caselet) 10 (Bar Graph, Table)
Number Series 5 (Missing No) 5 (Missing No) 5 (Missing No) 5 (Wrong No)
Individual Questions
(Ages, Percentage,
Profit & Loss,
Time & Distance,
Pipes & Cisterns,
Mixtures & Alligations,
Simple & Compound Interest and
Mensuration etc..)
5 10 7 10
Simplifications 10 10 10 10
Quadratic Comparisons 5 2 4 5

Reasoning Ability:

This section, on the whole, has been tagged as 'Easy'.

There were 17 to 20 questions on Puzzles and some of these questions can be labelled ‘moderate’ in terms of the level of difficulty. Questions on Coding-Decoding, Symbols and Notations, Coding-Decoding and Deductions were easy to crack. There were 3 questions each on Blood Relations and Direction Sense in few slots.

Questions on puzzles were based on – Linear Arrangement (unknown no. of persons, Two rows, 7 persons all facing North etc..), Circular Arrangement (8 persons; all facing centre; etc..), Box based puzzle, Months based (7 Months & 7 Persons), Square Arrangement (8 people; persons sitting at the corners face outside and sitting at the middle face inside), Months & Dates based (4 Months & 2 Dates), Floor based (8 Floors and 8 persons), Distributions, comparisons (Heights, Weights, Ranks etc..)

As per the feedback received from student who appeared for the exam in slot 4, the data of one set of questions (Puzzles – Distribution) was incorrect.

Topic Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4
Analytical Puzzles 20 17 20 18
Deductions 5 5 5
Symbols and Notations 5 5 5
Blood Relations 3 3 3
Direction Sense 3
Coding-Decoding 3 4
Sequence 5 5 3
Set of Numbers 5 5 5
Miscellaneous (Letter Arrangement, Word Arrangement etc..) 2 2 2 2

Overall, the paper can be rated easy as compared to the same exam that was conducted in 2018.

It has been reported that the online RRB Officer Assistant Prelim examination held on 17th August 2019 was easy.

A snap shot of the prelim exam is given below.

Duration of the Exam 45 minutes
Numerical Ability 40 Qs
Reasoning Ability 40 Qs
Total Number of Qs 80 Qs

An analysis of the above mentioned session, as reported by our students, is given below.

Quantitative Aptitude:

This section, on the whole, has been tagged as 'Easy'.

  • There were 10 questions on Data Interpretation – Bar Graph and Tabular data. These questions were easy to solve .
  • There were 5 questions each on on Number Series(Wrong Number) and Quadratic Comparisons which were easy to solve.
  • There were 10 individual questions covering Ages, Partnership, Pipes & Cisterns, Time & Distance, Mixtures & Alligations etc. These questions were a mix of Easy and Moderate ones
  • There were 10 questions on ‘Simplifications’ and were easy to solve
Topic No of Questions
Data Interpretation 10(Bar Graph, Table)
Number Series 5 (Wrong No)
Individual Questions
Pipes & Cisterns,
Time & Distance,
Mixtures & Alligations etc.)
Simplifications 10
Quadratic Comparisons 5

Reasoning Ability:

This section, on the whole, has been tagged as 'Easy'.

There were 23 questions on Puzzles and some of these questions can be labelled ‘moderate’ in terms of the level of difficulty. Questions on Direction Sense, Symbols and Notations, Coding-Decoding and Deductions were easy to crack.

Questions on puzzles were based on – Linear Arrangement (unknown no. of persons, Two row), Floor-based puzzle, Comparisons of heights etc..

Topic Slot 1
Analytical Puzzles
(Linear Arrangement (unknown no. of persons, Two rows 5),
Floor-based puzzle,
Comparisons of heights,
Circular Arrangement )
Deductions / Syllogisms 4
Symbols and Notations 4
Direction Sense 3
Coding-Decoding 1
Odd Man Out 1
Sequence 3
Miscellaneous (Word Arrangement) 1

Overall, the paper can be rated as easy as compared to the same exam that was conducted in 2018.

It has been reported by our students that the online IBPS Clerk 2018 Main examination held on 20th Jan 2019 was tedious, time-consuming and difficult when compared to the one held in 2017.

The Reasoning and English sections ranged between moderate to difficult. The Quant section was both time-consuming and challenging, whereas the one on GA was less intense.

The following novel features were observed in the exam this year:

  1. A changed format of Puzzle questions (Queue+10 Persons+Symbols+QBR, QBR+Symbols+Ages);
  2. New types of Coding-Decoding and Input-Output questions;
  3. FIBs (2 blanks) – A pair of suitable words should be picked from 6 words given in two columns;
  4. A sentence marked A, B, C, D, E was given where E was fixed. The test-taker had to re-arrange A, B, C, D to form another coherent sentence.
  5. The presentation of Cloze test paragraph in the English section was entirely offbeat – a paragraph with 5 questions pertaining to - fill in the blanks, phrase in bold replacement, word in bold etc.. were given.

The snap shot of the exam is given below:

S.No Name of Tests No. of Qs Max Marks Duration
1 Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude 50 60 45 Minutes
2 Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 45 Minutes
3 General / Financial Awareness 50 50 35 Minutes
4 English Language 40 40 35 Minutes
TOTAL 190 200 160 Minutes

The analysis of the above mentioned session, as reported by our students, is given below.

Quantitative Aptitude:

According to feedback received from our students who appeared for this exam, this section can be rated as moderate to difficult and it was time-consuming.

Questions on DI were long drawn-out and tough to work out; questions on caselets were difficult. Individual questions in this section were based on topics like Percentages, Simple & Compund Interest, Averages, Mixtures and Alligation, Time & Work, etc.. Though not direct questions, they can be described as tricky, and only an in-depth knowledge of concepts would have helped a candidate to solve them. Questions on Data Sufficiency (2 statements) too ranged from moderate to difficult. The 5 questions on Data comparisons involving two quantities and Quadratic Comparisons were reportedly doable and within reasonable limits.

Topic No. of Questions
Data Interpretation (Table(Missing Data), Pie Chart + Table, 2 Bargraphs, Caselet) 22
Quadratic Comparsions 6
Individual Questions ( Percentages, Simple & Compund Interest, Averages, Mixtures and Alligation, Time & Work etc..) 12
Data Sufficiency ( 2 statements ) 5
Data Comparisons (2 quantities) 5

Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude:

This section has also been labelled as 'moderate to difficult'.

The emphasis here was on puzzles, which ranged moderate and difficult. There are two new types of puzzles – Queue+10 Persons+Symbols+QBR, QBR+Symbols+Ages. Among other topics, questions on Coding-Decoding and Input-Output posed new models. There were 3 questions each on Input-Output and Direction Sense, and 2 questions each on Symbols Notations and Deductions. There were about 8 questions on Critical Reasoning.

There were no questions on Computer Aptitude in this section.

Topic No. of Questions Difficulty level
Puzzles (Circular+Circular, 6 boxes+QBR, Month+Date based, Ages+QBR+Colours, Linear with 6 persons, Circular with 5 persons, 7 persons+Blood Relations+QBR, 6 persons+6 floors, Queue+10 Persons+Symbols+QBR, QBR+Symbols+Ages etc..) 29 Moderate - Difficult
Direction Sense 3 Moderate
Coding – Decoding 1 Difficult
Symbols & Notations 2 Easy - Moderate
Deductions 2 Easy
Letter Arrangements 2 Easy
Critical Reasoning 8 Difficult
Input-Output 3 Difficult

English Language:

This section varied between moderate to tough. There were 3 RC passages with a total of 12 questions. Topics here related to importance of a nutritious diet, drinking water and brain health etc..

Sentence Rearrangement: A grammatically meaningful sentence labelled A, B, C, D, E was given in which part E was kept static, and the test-taker had to re-arrange the first four parts in a different sequence to form another logical and coherent sentence.

FIB (2 blanks) – Each sentence with two blanks had to be filled with a pair of words to be picked from the 6 choices given in two columns

Inappropriate usage - A sentence, with one word in bold, followed by 5 sentences framed from that word, in the choices, was given. That sentence was to be marked in which the meaning of this word differed from the one given in the main sentence.

Cloze Test - The Cloze test paragraph with its 5 questions, was very unconventional in its presentation The questions were not consistent with those characteristic of a cloze test, and included a multitude of question types namely, fill in the blanks, phrase in bold replacement, word in bold etc. With in the same set.

On a whole, this section can be rated as ranging between 'Moderate to Difficult'.

Topic No. of Questions Difficulty level
Reading Comprehension 12 ( 3 Passages) Moderate - Difficult
Word Interchange 5 Moderate
Questions on: Passage with fill in the blanks, replacing the phrase in bold, word in bold etc... ) 5 Difficult
Antonyms 2 Moderate
FIB (2 Blanks; 2 Columns) 5 Moderate
Sentence Connectors 3 Easy to Moderate
Sentence Rearrangement 5 Difficult
Inappropriate usage 3 Moderate - Difficult

General Awareness:

Unlike other years, very few questions were asked from Banking and Inidian Economy. Majority of the questions were related to Current Affairs which presented questions from events that took place from July 2018 to Jan 2019. Students have reported this as a moderate and doable section.