T.I.M.E. offers a comprehensive Online Test series for Campus Recruitment Training (CRT). The test series is designed and conducted, to help you build concepts, prepare strategies, identify weaknesses, and take steps to eliminate them. The Online Test series for Campus Recruitment Training is developed on the lines of written tests conducted by TCS, Wipro, CTS, Infosys, Tech Mahindra, Accenture, IBM and other IT and Non IT companies.
Our online test series package includes topic based tests, sectional practice tests and online comprehensive tests that will help you in various ways. We believe that the test series is also a tool that helps the student to evaluate performance over a period of time and improve accordingly.
Topic based tests
These tests pertaining to each topic of the exam. These are recommended as it will test your knowledge of related concepts individually. Therefore, they help you identify your strengths and weaknesses in a topic / test area, thus help you improve in that area.
Sectional Practice tests
These are tests pertaining to each section of the written test. Sectional practice tests provided in any of four variants cover various written tests of Infosys, Wipro, Accenture, CTS, TCS, Tech Mahindra, IBM and others.
Comprehensive Tests
Comprehensive tests are designed keeping in mind the pattern of the various companies written tests. They give you sufficient practice and help you assess your time management skills. They also give you a feel of the actual testing environment. The Comprehensive tests are provided on various IT companies patterns TCS, Wipro, CTS, Infosys, Tech Mahindra, Accenture, IBM and other & Non IT companies.
Psychometric Test
Psychometric test is conducted to find out who is the best person suited for the role in an organisation, based on Personality characteristics and Aptitude. In a Psychometric Test, there are no such things as right or wrong answers. The Test is an indication about the mindset of an individual towards certain belief statements. The students are expected to answer the questions spontaneously hence; they will be given very little time to answer the same.