About T.I.M.E.'s IIT Foundation Program:
T.I.M.E., the leader in classroom courses in India, offers the Correspondence Course for IIT Foundation. This program helps students in building strong fundamentals in Maths, Physics and Chemistry. Equal emphasis will be given in honing the application, analytical and problem-solving skills of the students through well designed exercises in these subjects. With the help of our material, the students will excel in their School/Board exams and in all competitive exams like NTSE, Olympiads etc.
IIT Foundation Correspondence Course enables the students to develop a logical approach and understand the concepts thoroughly by laying emphasis on application of concepts
Subjects Covered: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Reasoning
The student can learn at a convenient pace and time
A comprehensive course material has been designed and developed with great care to ensure gradual learning
Every module has been developed keeping in mind various patterns and question types that have appeared in both School / Board and other Competitive examinations
Availability of a large number of practice exercises prepare the students to face both School / Board and other Competitive examinations with ease, since the student has already answered different model/type of questions
These exercises are complemented by detailed explanations
Type of Tests includes Topic wise -
- Unit Tests - Helps students to build a systematic revision mechanism
- Cumulative Tests - Useful for self-testing after preparation of two to three chapters
- Model Tests - Useful for self-testing after preparation of the chapters
Video Lectures on select topics of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry (A student can watch the videos any number of times to revise the basic concepts which will reinforce the learning)
Online Tests (In addition to the paper-based tests) give additional practice to a student in various topics of the subjects - Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
The following is a list of courses offered for IITF Correspondence Program
- No. of Study Material Books - 5
- No. of Solution Books - 2
- Students Home Page (SHP) Access - Yes
- No. of Subject Videos - 30 (About 30 hours)
- No. of Test Papers - 80
- No. of Online Tests - 58
- Subject Covered - Maths, Physics, Chemistry & Reasoning
Price: 5,950
(Including GST)
- No. of Study Material Books - 5
- No. of Solution Books - 2
- Students Home Page (SHP) Access - Yes
- No. of Subject Videos - 32 (About 32 hours)
- No. of Test Papers - 73
- No. of Online Tests - 34
- Subject Covered - Maths, Physics, Chemistry & Reasoning
Price: 5,950
(Including GST)
- No. of Study Material Books - 5
- No. of Solution Books - 2
- Students Home Page (SHP) Access - Yes
- No. of Subject Videos - 33 (About 33 hours)
- No. of Test Papers - 67
- No. of Online Tests - 44
- Subject Covered - Maths, Physics, Chemistry & Reasoning
Price: 5,950
(Including GST)
- No. of Study Material Books - 5
- No. of Solution Books - 2
- Students Home Page (SHP) Access - Yes
- No. of Subject Videos - 26 (About 26 hours)
- No. of Test Papers - 62
- No. of Online Tests - 42
- Subject Covered - Maths, Physics, Chemistry & Reasoning
Price: 5,450
(Including GST)
- No. of Study Material Books - 5
- No. of Solution Books - 2
- Students Home Page (SHP) Access - Yes
- No. of Subject Videos - 26 (About 26 hours)
- No. of Test Papers - 59
- No. of Online Tests - 0
- Subject Covered - Maths, Physics, Chemistry & Reasoning
Price: 5,450
(Including GST)
Subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Reasoning
Study Material Booklets and Handouts:
The Material is well-researched by our team of experts with detailed understanding of the content and pattern of both the school / board and competitive examinations. We provide study material booklets covering various concepts of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Reasoning along with practice exercises, which help students score higher in both school and competitive examinations. The unique combination of questions in these practice exercises helps students understand and interpret the basic concepts better and also helps students strengthen their concepts. Thorough practice of the exercises in the Study Material booklets gives our students the confidence to solve the different types of questions that appear in school and competitive examinations.
Test Papers:
The tests help our students assess their strengths and weaknesses in concepts as well as subject areas so that they can plan for improvement in the necessary areas. They also ensure that our students undergo comprehensive practice. We provide different types of tests like Individual Tests, Cumulative Tests and Mock Tests in our material. The test papers are designed based on the questions which appear in school and competitive examinations and are regularly updated to reflect any changes in exam pattern or content.
Topic wise Tests:
Topic-wise Tests are necessary for the students to understand where they stand after preparation of each chapter. Students need to regularly test themselves to get the best results.
Therefore we have provided Two tests in each testing module.
Test 1 which is of a 30 minutes duration, would consists of 15 objective-type questions. The objective of this test is to know the preparedness of the children. After the test 1, the student has to check his/her score with the solutions provided. By going through the solutions, the students find where the mistakes were made and this helps them avoid the same in future.
Test 2 which is of a 30 minutes duration, would consist of 15 objective-type questions. The objective of this test is to check the commitments of the students towards improvement. It will test them on aspects similar to the one discussed in TEST 1. In fact, the questions (or concepts) in Test 2 would be very similar to those covered in Test 1. Thus in test 2 , a student should be able to score more marks.
Cummulative Tests:
Cumulative Tests are descriptive in nature and carry 50 marks each. They are further divided into two sections -A and B. Sections-A of the tests are modelled on the school/board exams paper pattern. Section-B is a combination of questions that are asked in school/board exams and also in competitive exams. This section will require application of concepts too.
Cumulative Tests are useful for self-testing after preparation of two to three chapters.
(i) Section I consists of Very Short Answers - one word or one sentence answers, multiple choice questions, match the following, fill in the blanks with each question carrying 1 mark.
(ii) Section II consists of Short Answers - three to four sentence answers with each question carrying 2-3 marks.
(iii) Section III consists of Long Answers - The questions are divided into two parts. The first part consists of understanding the concepts and it will carry 2 marks. The second part will consists of application of these concepts and it will carry 3 marks.
Model Papers:
Model papers cover all chapters, will have all the three sections and will be descriptive in nature. These papers will be useful to test the student's grip/knowledge on the entire syllabus . The duration is about 2 hours and will carry approximately 80-100 marks.
Enrollment into T.I.M.E. Correspondence Course for IIT-Foundation can be done in three ways
1. Enroll at any T.I.M.E. office in the country
2. Send a DD for the payment directly to our office at Hyderabad.
3. Enroll through Online Payment Facility
Please note that there is no installment facility for the Correspondence Course.
1. Enrolling at any T.I.M.E. office in the country:
The student can enroll for the Correspondence Course at any T.I.M.E. centre in the country. For this, the completed enrolment form needs to be submitted and the fee paid in lumpsum at one time.
The course fee can be paid in the form of cash or cheque or even by credit card. Three passport size photographs of the student should be submitted at the time of enrollment, at one of the T.I.M.E. centres. Kindly ensure that you collect the receipt for the payment you made.
Click here to download the Enrolment and Rules & Regulation form
2. Enrolling by sending your payment directly to our office at Hyderbad
Enrollment can be done by sending a DD directly to us at Hyderabad. Please fill the Enrolment and Rules Regulation form (which can be downloaded from the link given above) and send it by post along with three stamp size photographs of the student.
The demand draft should be drawn in favour of "T.I.M.E. Pvt. Ltd.", payable at Secunderabad and sent to the following address by Registered post:
T.I.M.E. Pvt Ltd.,
95-B,2nd Floor,
Siddamsetty Complex,
Secunderabad - 500 003,
Phone: 040-27898194/195.
3. Enrolling through Online Payment Facility
Procedure to pay via Online Payment Facility is as follows,
- To avail this option you need to have valid access to a Credit/Debit Card
- You need to furnish required details to us here to enrol you for the course and submit.
- Subsequently you are directed to a verisign certified secure payment gateway page to enter your credit card details.
- Please enter all details carefully and submit when you are done.
- Once your payment is verified by us, we will enrol you for the course.
- Your use of this site and this facility is governed by this site's terms and conditions. Please click here to read the Terms and Conditions, Privacy policy and Refund Policy
- An enrolment form meant for IIT-Foundation Correspondence Course has to be filled and submitted.
Click here to Enrol though Online payment facility
For any further queries please feel free to mail us at dep@time4education.com