Centre Director
B.Sai Kumar
Mr. Sai Kumar has done his graduation in Economics and has his PGPM in Marketing from IIM Bangalore. He has interned with Hindustan Lever Ltd. before working with GE as a Master Black Belt in Quality. He left that to pursue his passion in the Education Sector and joined T.I.M.E. as an All India CAT Course Director. After being at the helm for 4 years and overseeing the transition of CAT from a paper-pencil to the Online mode, he moved on to become the Centre Director of T.I.M.E. Mumbai & T.I.M.E. Bangalore. He has a keen interest in Physics and studies History in his spare time. Respected in the Student community as being one of the best teachers for DI & Logic he also takes Mock discussions, Group Discussions & Personal Interviews. He is also an ardent reader and loves travelling.