Venue : Online
Date : 20th April
Timings : 11 am
Dear Student
Greetings from T.I.M.E. !!!.
We are going through a time of great uncertainty. To help the students make the right career choices at this crucial point, T.I.M.E. Trivandrum is organising a free webinar to help the students understand the best choices.
The session will be taken by Rakesh R, PGP 2014-2016 IIM Ahmedabad, who is the Director of T.I.M.E. Trivandrum. Students interested in attending the session need to register by providing their email address and phone number. The joining link and password will be shared directly to the student's email and mobile.
Subject : Best Career Choices in the Current Economic Situation
Speaker : Mr. Rakesh Rajeev, Centre Director, TIME Trivandrum.
Date: 20th Apr. 2020.
Time: 11 am