Online - Why MBA & Why should I start early - From 20th December 2020

Venue : Online

Date : From 20th December 2020

Timings : View Below

Dear Student

Greetings from T.I.M.E. !!!.

A webinar on "Why MBA & Why should I start early" is scheduled to be conducted by T.I.M.E. - the national leader in aptitude training on Sunday 20th Dec 2020. This webinar will be extremely helpful for those who want to pursue a career in management but are finding it difficult to gather useful information on the same. The webinar will be taken by our Senior Mentor Mr. K.V. Raman M.Sc. PGDM University of Hyderabad. Over 30 years of mentoring, counselling and training expertise.

Attend this all important webinar to learn all about MBA as a career and various opportunities that lie with it. You can ask any number of questions during the session, which will be answered by the faculty member live, towards the end of the session.

Subject: "Why MBA & Why should I start early"

Date: Sunday, 20th December 2020

Time: 11 am to 12 pm

Register for all these Webinars


Subject: Workshop on Speed Math techniques

Date: 21st December 2020

Time: 6 pm to 7 pm

Subject: Workshop on Verbal ability for CAT

Date: 23rd December 2020

Time: 6 pm to 7 pm

Subject: Improve your Written ability skills for CAT

Date: 27th December 2020

Time: 11 am to 12 pm

Subject: Take the leap, with MBA

Date: 28th December 2020

Time: 6 pm to 7 pm

Subject: IIM Selection Criteria

Date: 29th December 2020

Time: 6 pm to 7 pm

Subject: All about Non-IIM Top B Schools

Date: 30th December 2020

Time: 6 pm to 7 pm

Thank you for expressing interest to know more about MBA. These sessions will certainly make an impact on your career plan. We will be informing you about the future sessions through SMS, you may choose to attend the future sessions based on your convenience.