CAT 21/22 - T.I.M.E. Talent Search Examination (TTSE) - 9th February 2021 - VNIT - NAGPUR

Venue : Online

Date : 9th February 2021

Timings : 6:00 PM TO 7:00 PM

Dear Student

Greetings from T.I.M.E. !!!.

It gives us immense pleasure to announce the much-awaited Scholarship Test - T.I.M.E. Talent Search Examination (TTSE) exclusively for VNIT Students. The TTSE will be conducted on the 9th February, 2021.

Test Date: 9th February 2021.

Test Slot: 6 pm

Test duration: 1 hour.

Based on the performance in the test you can get a maximum of 100% discount.

You can register for the TTSE by registering online. After you enter the details required, an email on the time slot, hall ticket number, and the test link will be sent to you. In case you have any further clarifications, please feel free to contact

The TTSE is for CAT 21/22 aspirants

We strongly recommend that you make the best use of this wonderful opportunity!

Here's wishing you all the very best!

Team T.I.M.E.