Online - Weekly Current Affairs MCQs ( 21st to 27th Feb) LIVE Online Class - 3rd & 5th March 2021

Venue : Online

Date : 3rd & 5th March 2021

Timings : 7:00 AM TO 8:30 AM

Dear Student

Greetings from T.I.M.E. !!!.

We are conducting Online LIVE Current Affairs (21st to 27th Feb) sessions in two parts. These sessions comprise MCQs with a detailed explanation of the answer choices. The Current Affairs (21st to 27th Feb) Part 1 was held on 3rd March and Part 2 is scheduled to be held on 5th March.

5th March (Fri): Current Affairs (21st to 27th Feb) Part 2

Timings: 7 AM to 8.30 AM

The LIVE session scheduled for Friday i.e. on 5th March, will be conducted using the GoToMeeting platform. You need to register yourself by filling in the registration form. After successful registration, you will get an email with the access link for the session. Kindly click on the link, on the date and time mentioned above to login into the session.

These sessions will help you with your preparation for the upcoming Bank and other related exams/interviews. Going forward, we will be conducting Current Affairs sessions twice every week. Please visit the T.I.M.E. events page every week and also subscribe to the above youtube channel.

All the best!!