Online - Cracking Sentence Correction in GMAT Exam - 7th March 2021 - Delhi, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon

Venue : Online

Date : 7th March 2021

Timings : 5:00 PM TO 6:00 PM

Dear Student

Greetings from T.I.M.E. !!!.

T.I.M.E. invites you to attend an interactive webinar on GMAT- Crack Sentence Correction

Meaning is the foundation of GMAT questions, therefore it is the foundation of the Sentence Correction section. As per the GMAT Official Guide, the Sentence Correction section tests your ability to identify a correct and effective expression to express the intended meaning. The purpose is not served if you choose an answer choice that is just grammatically correct, but conveys a meaning that is different from the original meaning. "Meaning" is central to this excercise.

In this session we will discuss the importance of meaning and how you can solve Sentence Correction questions based on meaning.

Topic: Cracking Sentence Correction in GMAT Exam

Date: 7 March

Time: 5 PM

Platform: Google Meet

To attend this webinar, register yourself for the webinar and link will be provided to you.