Online - SSC CGLE Tier I - General Intelligence and Reasoning - Preparation tips and Strategy - 22nd March 2021

Venue : Online

Date : 22nd March 2021

Timings : 6:30 PM TO 9:00 PM

Dear Student

Greetings from T.I.M.E. !!!.

A webinar on 'SSC CGLE Tier I - General Intelligence and Reasoning - Preparation tips and Strategy' is scheduled to be conducted by us on 22nd March. This webinar is very helpful for those who are aspiring for a career in Central Govt jobs through SSC CGLE.

Attend this webinar and know all about 'How to do well in the General Intelligence and Reasoning section of SSC CGLE Tier I exam'. You can ask questions during the webinar.

Subject: SSC CGLE Tier I - General Intelligence and Reasoning - Preparation Tips and Strategy

Date: 22nd March 2021

Time: 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm