Online - QUICKER MATHS - 10th July 2021 - Mumbai

Venue : Online

Date : 10th July 2021

Timings : 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Dear Student

Greetings from T.I.M.E. !!!.

A webinar on "QUICKER MATHS" is scheduled to be conducted by T.I.M.E. Mumbai - a national leader in aptitude training on 10th July 2021 at 11am.

This webinar will be extremely helpful for those who are about to start preparation for competitive exams like Govt jobs and Banking Jobs.

It will help you to increase the speed of calculations.

You can ask any number of questions, which will be answered by the expert faculty members live during the session and a Q & A round at the end of the session will also be conducted.

Highlights of the Webinar:

  1. Basic of speed maths
  2. Practice on some questions
  3. Calendar of upcoming Various Exams


Date: 10th July 2021

Time:- 11am