IIT Foundation Detailed Preparatory Note for Online Program

Hello Students,

Welcome to T.I.M.E.’s IIT Foundation Online Program.

This DetailedPreparatory Note will help you understand how you can make use of the program and play your role in maximizing the benefit of the program. 

Once you log on to your SHP using the credentials given to you, you will find the following page, which is the Landing Page.

The landing page consists of tabs: About IITF, Study Plan, Subject Videos, Study Material, Online Tests.

IIT Foundation Detailed Preparatory Note for Online Program SHP

About IITF: Start your IITF journey by clicking on this tab. Watch the short video of a duration of 91 seconds to understand show the IITF course helps you in enhancing your academic skills.

Study Plan: This Study Plan gives you a detailed plan of action for the entire year as to how you can pace your preparations right from the beginning of the program.

IIT Foundation Detailed Preparatory Note for Online Program SHP

  • This study planner gives you the flow in which you need to follow the program in a structured manner.
  • The links to navigate to the subject videos are given beside the chapter names under the header “Video Title”.
  • By clicking on the Video Titles, one can directly access the corresponding video page to play the video and attend the recorded session.
  • The pre-requisite for each session is also mentioned to guide you as per the flow of the content to be followed. This ensures that your learning is done in an organized manner.
  • You are advised to follow the weekly study guide to ensure that your learning is holistic and organized.
  • In case you cannot attend the sessions as per the plan due to unavoidable circumstances, like appearing for periodical tests in school, or any other occasion, you need to plan to devote some additional time the following weeks so as to keep yourself on track of completing the course as per the weekly schedule.
  • This study plan consists of videos of Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
  • The videos of Reasoning are available in the tab, Subject Videos. You may watch the videos at your convenient time.

Subject Videos: This tab helps you watch videos exclusive to a particular subject. On clicking this tab, you will reach another page which consists of tabs of the different Subject Areas of the program.

IIT Foundation Detailed Preparatory Note for Online Program SHP

If you click on the tabs of the various Subject Areas, you will find the list of chapters of the corresponding areas as follows:

IIT Foundation Detailed Preparatory Note for Online Program SHP

Please note that each chapter of Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology has been divided into subtopics to enable you to develop an in-depth understanding of each subtopic. In order to develop this level of understanding, the following contents are provided for each subtopic.

  1. Detailed explanation of theory of the concepts along with the solved examples. 
  2. Interactive Exercise: The objective of this exercise is to help the student to test his comfort levels with fundamentals of the subtopic. Also, these questions help in quick review of the concepts learned.
  3. Skill-Builder Exercise: This is aimed at reinforcing the concepts learned in the subtopic already discussed. This exercise is designed to help develop Knowledge, Understanding, Application and Analytical skills of a student. The objective of this exercise is to develop clarity in fundamentals and to easily understand the application of concepts.
  4. Practice Worksheet: It is meant for additional practice for the student.

If you click on any chapter of the subject Videos, you will find the corresponding videos in a sequential order. For example, if you click on the Number Systemfrom Mathematics, you will find the corresponding videos as follows:

IIT Foundation Detailed Preparatory Note for Online Program SHP

You need to click on the link “View Video” to attend a particular topic. 

Please note that these are the same videos that you were directed to when you navigated through the study plan.

While watching a video on the basics of a topic, ensure that you are attending the topic with the required stationery at hand to quickly make a note of the important points discussed in the video.

Study Material: Clicking onthistab takes you to the page that contains the notes, exercises, and solutions in the PDF format. 

Once you are done with the video(s) of the basics, make sure to revise the running notes you have made and also go through the corresponding PDF notes given in the Study Material. Go back to the landing page and then click on the Study MaterialTab on the landing page to go through the required notes. An image of the Study Materialis given below for your reference.

IIT Foundation Detailed Preparatory Note for Online Program SHP

Before attending Exercise Videos, you need to solve the questions given in the exercise of the corresponding topic. If you are stuck at any point in answering these questions, you should realize that your basics need to be strengthened and for that you need to refer to either the running notes that you have made or to the PDF notes once again.

Once you answer all the questions, to ensure that you are right in your answers, approach, and logic, please watch the Exercise Videosfor the answers. You can validate your answers by watching these videos since the answers to all the questions are discussed in these videos elaborately.


  • While attending the sessions of the exercise part, you need not worry about the question part, as it is available on the screen. 
  • You need to focus well on the explanation given by the faculty when the questions are being discussed, to understand the logic and approach to the solution better.
  • You may pause the session in the middle and go back to the required solution to go through the same again.
  • While re-viewing the video related to the solution part, you may drag the pointer in the seek-bar to the timestamp where the solution you wish to revisit appears. 

Online Tests:

Once your understanding of the concepts is complete, the only way to ensure your holistic comprehension of the topic is to take a test. Tests can be accessed on the SHP; you have tabs for online tests which can be found on the landing page. 

IIT Foundation Detailed Preparatory Note for Online Program SHP

Tests should be attempted online and submitted as per the instructions provided after launching the test. Please note that there are two tests on each chapter. The questions that are given in the tests will also be discussed in the video sessions. These videos help you understand the kind of errors that usually creep in,l and how to avoid them in the tests you take subsequently. The video solutions of a test will be activated once you submit the test. Please make sure to watch the video solutions to grasp the right approach of a question given in the competitive exams.

To get the best out of the online Program, you must have an active participation in making notes, working out exercises, validating your answers, and consolidating your learning through tests along with attending the video sessions regularly. 

The most important part is to clarify the doubts that you get while learning, by contacting the faculty. You may post your doubts , if any, by clicking on the Post Your Doubtstab.

IIT Foundation Detailed Preparatory Note for Online Program SHP

We wish you a very Happy Learning!

IIT Foundation Team,

T.I.M.E. Pvt. Ltd.