Online - Triumph : CAT22 Achievers' Meet - 27th May 2023 - Mumbai

Venue : Online

Date : 27th May 2023

Timings : 10:00 AM ( Duration: 3 Hrs)

Dear Student

Greetings from T.I.M.E. !!!.

We will be conducting a one-time event - ‘Online - Triumph: CAT’22 Achievers’ Meet’ on 27thMay 2022

Day: Saturday

Date: 27th May

Time: 10am to 1pm

Session name: Online – Triumph: CAT’22 Achievers’ Meet

Key features of the Achievers' Meet:

  1. Interact with our CAT22 Achievers who would be sharing their experiences and talking about how T.I.M.E. helped them achieve their goals. They will also talk about their preparation strategies, learnings and mistakes. That will be of great help to you in your own preparation efforts and will go a long way in helping you succeed in your endeavour.
  2. Get briefed on “How to make the CORRECT use of AIMCATs”.
  3. Get to know about a typical day of a student in a B-school so that you know what to expect once you get admission to the B-school of your dreams.

This event is open for NON-T.I.M.E. students as well & you may get your friends along.

Registration closes at 8 pm on 26th May or when the seats are full.

Limited seats available!

All the best!
T.I.M.E. Mumbai Team