The JEE (Joint entrance examination) Main is a national level entrance exam which serves as the entrance test for admission into various undergraduate engineering programs at prestigious institutions such as IITs, NITs, IIITs and other central and state funded engineering colleges across India. It is also the gateway for the candidates to appear for JEE advanced.

JEE mains is conducted in two sessions 1. January and 2. April

The test is a computer based exam conducted in 5 to 6 days per session.

This year January session started on 22nd Jan and ends on 30th Jan.

Paper I (for Btech aspirants) is conducted on Jan 22, 23, 25, 28 and 29(shift 1 and shift 2)

JEE mains exam analysis (Jan 22)

Chemistry was easy to Moderate. Physics was moderately difficult, where as some questions in maths was very challenging. Time management was important in this shift.

Important topics

Physics- Potentiometer, Gravitation, Modern Physics, Ray Optics, Photoelectric effect
Chemistry – Chemical Bonding, Mole concept, Named reactions, Atomic structure, Practical chemistry
Maths- Vector and 3D, Calculus, Algebra

JEE mains analysis (Jan 23)

Physics was easy to moderate, chemistry was lengthy. Maths was lengthy and tough.

Important topics

Chemistry- Chemical bonding, electrochemistry, solutions, named reaction, Periodic classification
Maths – Conics, vector and 3D, Relations and functions, determinants
Physics- Current electicity, Ray optics, Elctrostatics, Modern physics

JEE mains analysis (Jan 24)

Maths was lengthy and tough, Chemistry had few tough questions, Physics was easy. Overall the paper was moderately difficult.

Important topics

Physics- Projection, SHM, Wave optics
Chemistry- Organic Chemistry
Maths – Calculus, Determinants, Vector & 3D.