T.I.M.E. 4 Education Apps
Whether you are working your way through Graduation/Post-Graduation or you are a working professional, preparing to clear competitive exams is an additional challenge. To help our students in their Entrance exam preparation even on the go, we have launched TIME4 app series for students.
The salient features available through our apps are given below.
- Video lectures of subject areas from expert T.I.M.E. faculty members*
- Sectional tests in various subject areas*
- Important and useful inputs on GD/PI and Essay Writing Skills
- Simulated Mocks on App
- All India Mock Analysis*
What is more– the app and the website are linked completely and seamlessly. You can take sectional tests on the website time4education.com or through the app. The analysis and performance reports of the All India Mocks taken on time4education.com can be viewed either on the website or through the app.
All this at no additional cost to existing T.I.M.E. students!
Do share this information with your friends who are not T.I.M.E. students - they can access free content which includes the Vocab tool, useful academic inputs, sample videos and sectional tests in various test areas.
Happy Learning & Best!

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