MCA Entrances

PGCET(MCA) will be conducted on 14th July, 2019 by Karnataka Examinations Authority, Bengaluru.

The notification for PGCET(MBA) and PGCET(MCA) 2019 is released. Please click here for notification.

PGCET (MCA) Paper Pattern:

2 hours duration
80 multiple choice questions with four answer choices
No negative marking
Paper has 2 parts, A and B.
Part A - 60 questions; for every correct answer one mark is awarded.
Part B - 20 questions - two marks for each correct answer.

  1. Mathematics 40
  2. Computer Awareness 20
  3. Analytical Ability & Logical Reasoning 15
  4. General Awareness 10
  5. General English 15

Test Areas:
Mathematics, Computer awareness, Analytical Ability and Logical reasoning, General Awareness and General English.

Click Here for KEA PGCET-MCA-2015 Analysis.

Click Here for KEA PGCET-MCA-2014 Analysis.

Click Here for KEA PGCET-MCA-2013 Analysis.

T.I.M.E. offers a comprehensive entrance training programme for PGCET - MCA.

  • The total duration of the course is 120+ hours for long term training.
  • Study material: Every year, T.I.M.E. analyses the PGCET(MCA) paper, revises its study material and guides its students to take the right approach to succeed in the Exam. The Research and Development team at T.I.M.E. which has top class faculty members with more than 20 years of experience, prepares the study material. The study material consists of the following:
    • Study Material Booklets: In these booklets the basic concepts of each topic of the subject are given with examples. These are followed by exercises.
    • Handouts: Handouts are discussed in classroom to impart the basic knowledge of the subject to students.
    • Test papers: Test papers are prepared with questions covering all the basic concepts. These tests have time limit and are conducted in classroom. These tests help students master the concepts.
    • Mock Test Papers: Mock test papers consist of questions from all the test areas. Since these papers are the replicas of the actual paper pattern, students get to know their strengths and weaknesses once they analyse their performance.
  • Classroom coaching:
  • Classroom coaching has three modules – Basic Module, Individual Test Papers and Full Length Mock Test Papers.

    • Basic Module: In this module, basic concepts are taught to the students. Classes are designed such that the teaching of the concepts progresses from the absolute basic level to the level of PGCET.
    • Individual Test Papers: Once the basic concepts are taught, individual test papers are conducted at the end of each chapter/topic. These tests are followed by the class room discussions. These sessions help reinforce the concepts already learnt.
    • Full Length Mock Papers: These tests are usually conducted on the completion of the entire syllabus. Test papers are followed by discussions with faculty members. Various strategies and methods that would help a student maximise his performance in the exam discussed.

This course is offered at the following places:

Bengaluru Mysore Hubli
Belgaum Mangalore Udupi