The Verbal and Logical Ability section had 26 questions. There were 15 Reading Comprehension questions, 2 questions on grammar, 2 Para-Formation questions, 2 vocabulary-based fill-in-the blanks (3 blanks per question) and 5 Critical Reasoning questions (conclusion/summary/relationship between 2 paragraphs).
The VA questions were on the easier side. There were no unusual words (vocabulary) questions, and the options in the grammar questions were straightforward. The PFQs had options, which made them easy to solve. The tricky part was critical reasoning - some of the options were very close and difficult to eliminate.
There were 5 RC passages with 2-3 questions each, and a poem with 2 questions. While the passages were a little easier compared to those of the previous year, some of the questions had very tricky options. Given that the student had to allocate time among sections on their own (in the absence of sectional time limits), the choice of questions was critical. Students who managed to choose the right passages and questions would not have found this section very difficult.
The passages were broadly based on the following themes:
- Collective immunity and vaccinations
- Reductionist philosophy
- Ignorance and knowledge
- Moral frames
- Definition of beauty
Except the first passage, the others were abstract and based on philosophy. The poem was " A Missing Person" by Jayanta Mahapatra.
Overall, the Verbal Ability section was of a moderate difficulty level.