SSC has released the result of CGLE 2017 Tier II Exam. The Commission has released the following lists / results.
The Staff Selection Commission had conducted Computer Based Examination for Combined Graduate Level (Tier-II) Examination – 2017 from 17.02.2018 to 22.02.2018 and re-examination at certain venues on 09.03.2018.
The marks obtained by the candidates in Tier-I and Tier-II together are considered for deciding the eligibility of the candidates to appear in Tier-III. Based on the marks in Written Examination in Tier-I and Tier-II and as per cut-off fixed by the Commission, candidates qualifying for Tier-III are as per lists given below:-
List-1: Candidates qualified for appearing in CGLE 2017 (Tier-III) for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer:
SC | ST | OBC | OH | HH | UR | TOTAL | |
TOTAL Cut-off Marks Tier-I+Tier-II (Paper-I+II+IV) | 500.5 | 479 | 538 | 458 | 348.25 | 573 | |
Candidates available | 563 | 275 | 1456 | 57 | 55 | 1313 | 3719 |
List-2: Candidates qualified for appearing in CGLE 2017 (Tier-III) for the post of Junior Statistical Officer (JSO):
SC | ST | OBC | OH | HH | UR | TOTAL | |
TOTAL Cut-off Marks Tier-I+Tier-II (Paper-I+II+III) | 200 | 200 | 240 | 200 | 200 | 280 | |
Candidates available | 655 | 394 | 1914 | 82 | 82 | 1723 | 4850 |
List-3: Candidates qualified for appearing in CGLE 2017 (Tier-III) for posts other than Assistant Audit Officer, Assistant Accounts Officer and Junior Statistical Officer:
SC | ST | OBC | EXM | OH | HH | VH | UR | TOTAL | |
TOTAL Cut-off Marks Tier-I+Tier-II (Paper-I+II) | 338.25 | 311.25 | 379.75 | 263.5 | 294 | 191 | 311 | 415.5 | |
Candidates available | 7669 | 3792 | 16045 | 2394 | 756 | 521 | 190 | 15053 | 46420 |