IBPS RRB Assistant 2024 – Last minute Tips and Strategy for Reasoning Section

IBPS RRB Assistant 2024 – Last minute Tips and Strategy for Reasoning Section

We present this article, which has a few handy inputs on how to prepare for and succeed in, the Reasoning section of the upcoming IBPS RRB Assistant 2024 Prelim and Main examinations, with the hope that you would certainly benefit from it.

IBPS RRB Assistant Prelim – Reasoning:

The Reasoning section of this exam comprises 40 Qs that carry one mark each. While there is no section-wise time limit, there is a composite time of 45 minutes for both the test areas of Reasoning Ability and Numerical Ability. One may allow a maximum of 20 minutes for the reasoning section to maximise one’s overall score here. There is a negative marking scheme, where 1/4th of the marks assigned for a question are deducted for each wrongly marked response. To qualify, candidates must qualify in both the tests (Reasoning and Numerical Ability) by securing the minimum cut-off marks.

This being a relatively easier-to-handle part of the test offers ample scope for score maximisation. In the Prelims, the difficulty level of questions in this area ranges from very easy to easy (as per the feedback given by T.I.M.E. students who appeared for such exams in the past).

The following data presents the topic-wise break-up and analysis of the Prelim exam across the years [collated from feedback as given by T.I.M.E. students who appeared for such exams in the past].

IBPS RRB Assistant Prelim 2023:13th August shift1

S. No. Topic No. of questions given Level of Difficulty
1 Linear Arrangement (Unknown number of persons) 5 Easy
2 Box arrangement(8 boxes) 5 Easy
3 Linear arrangement (two rows-five persons each) 5 Easy
4 Floor Arrangement (9 floors) 5 Easy
5 Miscellaneous 2 Easy
6 Blood Relations 1 Easy
7 Direction sense 3 Easy
8 Sequence 4 Very easy
9 Symbols and notations (inequalities) 4 Easy
10 Deductions / Syllogisms (only a few) 3 3-Easy,1- Moderate
11 Set of Numbers 3 Very easy

IBPS RRB Assistant Prelim 2022 :(14th August shift 2)

S. No. Topic No. of questions given Level of Difficulty
1 Scheduling based (8months ,8 persons) 4 Easy
2 Floor arrangement (4 floors 2 flats) 5 Easy
3 Circular arrangement (all facing the centre) 5 Easy
4 Linear arrangement (unknown number of persons) 5  
5 Miscellaneous 2 Easy
6 Direction sense 3 Easy
7 Sequence 4 Very easy
8 Symbols and notations (inequalities) 3 Easy
9 Deductions / Syllogisms (only a few) 4 3-Easy,1- Moderate
10 Set of Numbers 5 Very easy

Puzzles asked in other slots: Questions on puzzles were related to Linear Arrangement (unknown no. of persons, Two rows, 7 persons all facing North etc.), Circular Arrangement (8 persons; all facing centre; etc..), Box based, Month-based (7 months & 7 persons), Square Arrangement (8 people; persons sitting at the corners face outside and sitting at the middle face inside), Month & Date based (4 months & 2 dates), Floor based (8 floors and 8 persons), Distributions, Comparisons (heights, weights, ranks etc..)

The following areas are important for the Prelim exam:

1. Symbols and notations
2. Blood relations
3. Direction sense
4. Coding-decoding
5. Syllogisms
6. Set of numbers /words
7. Sequence
8. Puzzles - Linear arrangements / Box arrangements / Floor arrangements / Circular arrangements / Distribution (day and month-based) / Comparisons/ Quant-based Reasoning
9. Miscellaneous (Word arrangements, Number arrangements, meaning full word, letter series etc.)

IBPS RRB Assistants Mains – Reasoning:

The Reasoning section of the exam consists of 40 Qs with a total of 50 marks. Here too, there is no section-wise time limit but a composite time of 120 minutes for all the test areas. One may allow a maximum of 25 - 30 minutes for the reasoning section to maximise one’s overall score. The negative marking scheme put in place for this exam mandates that for every incorrect response, there be a deduction of 1/4th of the marks assigned for a question. A variable marking scheme MAY BE applicable in the Reasoning section of this exam.

The following data presents the topic-wise break-up and analysis of the Main exam [collated from feedback as given by T.I.M.E. students who have appeared for such exams in the past].

IBPS RRB Assistant Mains 2023:

S. No. Topic No. of questions given Level of Difficulty
1 Distribution (7 Persons + 7 months + 7 colours ) 5 Moderate
2 Floor arrangement (6 Persons + 3 floors + 2 flats + distribution ) 4 Moderate
3 Box arrangement (10 boxes) 5 Easy
4 Distribution (7 P + Designation + distribution) 5 Easy-Moderate
5 Circular Arrangement (Eight persons, four are facing the Centre, four are facing away from the centre) 5 Easy-Moderate
6 Linear Arrangement (Unknown number of persons) 1 Easy
7 Blood relations 3 Easy
8 Coding Decoding 5  
9 Deductions 4 Easy
10 Direction Sense 2 Easy
11 Miscellaneous 1 Very easy

IBPS RRB Assistant Mains 2022:

S. No. Topic No. of questions given Level of Difficulty
1 Distribution (6 Persons + 6 Days + 6 colours) 5 Moderate
2 Comparisons + QBR (6 persons and their heights) 3 Moderate
3 Linear arrangement (9 persons Some are facing North and some facing South) 5 Easy-Moderate
4 Distributions (Designations based 10P + 10 cities) 5 Easy-Moderate
5 11P Circular (all facing the centre) 5 Easy-Moderate
6 Linear arrangement (Unknown number of persons) 4 Easy
7 Blood relations 1 Easy
8 Direction Sense 5 Easy
9 Miscellaneous 4 Very easy
10 Symbol and Notation 3 Easy

The following areas are important for the Mains exam:

1. Symbols and notations
2. Blood relations
3. Direction sense
4. Coding-decoding
5. Syllogisms
6. Puzzles - Linear arrangements / Box arrangements / Floor arrangements / Circular arrangements / Distribution (day and month-based), Designations based / Comparisons / Quant-based Reasoning
7. Data sufficiency
8. Input and output
9. Miscellaneous (Word arrangements, Number arrangements, meaning full word, letter series etc.)

Note: Critical Reasoning questions have not appeared in the exam till date.


Though everything in an exam is important, it is essential to prioritise the order in which you handle questions. To maximise your score, we recommend the following plan for attempting questions.

It is advisable to first attempt questions related to Sequence, set of numbers/words, Deductions, Blood relations, Directions, Symbols and notations, Word and Number arrangements and Input and output before moving on to others.

Solving puzzles must come next in this process. Among puzzles too, questions on Comparisons, which are less time-consuming, should be dealt with first before moving on to those on Seating arrangements and Distributions - these should be considered only towards the end.

It is only very rarely that a few clues are given in a jumbled manner. Usually, from what we hear from our students, clues meant for solving puzzles are presented such that they help solve the given puzzle in the order in which the clues are given, thus obviating the need to move back and forth frequently.

For the sake of time management, questions on Data Sufficiency should be worked out last.

Some useful Tips:

  • Going through the Analyses of previous years’ papers will help you understand what topics were asked in the exams, the weightage of questions from each topic, the pattern of questions etc.
  • Whether a sectional time limit is specified or not, time management, speed, and accuracy play an important role in helping you clear your exams. Work on your speed and accuracy.
  • Practice questions daily. This will give you an edge over others, who are appearing for the exams.
  • Tracking your performance regularly helps you identify the areas/topics in which you are weak and need to boost your preparation.
  • Answering the questions in a particular sequence, to maximise your attempts and your score, is very important. See the order given above.
  • Take ample online tests, topic-wise as well as Mock Tests – these will help you understand your preparation levels and also assist you in time management so that when you go for the actual exam, you give it a shot with confidence.