Section 3: Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation

Section 3: Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation

This section had a combination of QA questions and DI sets. Most of the questions are from the easy and moderate levels of difficulty.

The distribution of questions across areas of QA was as below

TopicNo. of QsLevel of Difficulty
Data Sufficiency1Moderate
Geometry & Mensuration1Moderate
Heights & Distances1Moderate
Percentages, Profit & Loss1Moderate
Quadratic Equations1Easy
Simple Equations1Moderate

There were not many difficult questions, making questions selection the key aspect in getting good scores in this section. Many questions were on familiar lines needing not much of working out.

There were four DI sets of three questions each. The sets were of the following types

TopicNo. of QsLevel of Difficulty
Table (Correct Answers)3Difficult
Bar graph (Broken Pencils )3Moderate-Difficult
Line (Universities)3Moderate-difficult
Candlestick Chart (Stock prices)3Moderate

While the candlestick chart was a new type, understanding the chart was easy with the information given in the set.

Given the lesser number of difficult questions, the overall difficulty level of this section is lower than that of the last year.