Section 1: Verbal and Logical Reasoning

Section 1: Verbal and Logical Reasoning

The breakup of the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension segments is as below:


Area No of Questions Difficulty Level
Identifying Grammatically incorrect sentences 1 Easy
Fill in the Blanks (3/4 blanks to be filled in a very short paragraph) 1 Moderate
Paragraph Formation (5-sentence para jumbles on Education and Coding) 2 Difficult
Critical Reasoning on weakening/Conclusion/Supporting/Inference 5 Moderate
Correct usage of Punctuation 2 Moderate
Para-completion 1 Moderate

The Verbal Ability segment had a total of 12 questions

The four Critical Reasoning questions needed some time to crack but were not undoable.

Paragraph Formation were difficult this year too.

The Punctuation questions introduced afresh this year were not much of an issue and well-read students could have figured them out without investing too much time.

B) Reading Comprehension

There were four RC passages, with three questions each, and one poem with two questions.

Area No of Questions Difficulty Level Length
Poem on 'Three Persons BY VIJAY SESHADRI" 2 Moderate Around 175 words
RC Passage on “Global warming” 3 Moderate Around 375 words
RC Passage on "Freud & Marx" 3 Difficult Around 300 words
RC Passage on "Procrastination" 3 Difficult Around 300 words
RC Passage on "Storytelling " 3 Moderate Around 450 words

The first poem was not very difficult to read. However, with only two questions from it compared to three from the passages, it would have been tempting to go for the passages first. However, the length of the poem works in its favour, pulling students towards it. Not so tough content of the poem did work in the favour of the students.

Two of the passages were clearly tougher than the other two. The one on Freud and Marx and another on Procrastination were clearly jumping out as difficult, making it easy for students to choose the other two passages to start with.

Overall, the difficulty level of the section was similar to that of the last year.