CMAT 24 Analysis

The Common Management Admission Test (CMAT)is a National Level Entrance Examination for admission to Management Programme(s) in the country. This Test facilitates AICTE affiliated participating Institutions to select suitable graduate candidates for admission to the Management Courses in such institutions. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has been entrusted by the Ministry of Education with the task of conducting the Common Management Admission Test (CMAT) from 2019 onwards.

CMAT 2024 was conducted on May 15, 2024 in two slots from 9 am to 12 noon and from 2 30 pm to 5 30 pm.

The exam was conducted in the Computer Based Test (CBT) format. The duration of the exam was three hours (180 minutes).

The test had five sections with 20 questions each. Each question was of MCQ type with four options. Each correct answer carried four marks while there was a penalty of 1 mark for every wrong answer. There was no sectional time limit, and the candidates could move freely across the sections throughout the exam duration. The total score was 400.

The distribution of the questions is as given in the table below:

Section No. Section Name No. of questions Marks per section
1 Quantitative Techniques and Data Interpretation (QTDI) 20 80
2 Logical Reasoning (LR) 20 80
3 Language Comprehension (LC) 20 80
4 General Awareness (GA) 20 80
5 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 20 80
Total 100 400

Given below is a summary of the test based on students' observations and reactions post the exam.

Quantitative Techniques and Data Interpretation (QTDI):

Most of the questions were from Arithmetic, most of which were on the easier side. There was also a set on DI which was relatively moderate in difficulty level. There were a couple of questions from Geometry, one of which was on the tougher side. There were also a couple of questions from P & C and Probability. The questions were overall of easy to moderate difficulty level. There were only a couple of questions that could be classified as difficult.

A well-prepared student will be able to attempt 13-15 questions easily.

Logical Reasoning (LR):All the questions were stand alone – there were no set based questions. There were questions from areas like Statement and assumptions, Statements and conclusions, Clocks, Direction sense, Non-verbal reasoning, Deductions etc. Overall this was a relatively easy section.

A good student could have answered 14-16 questions.

Language Comprehension: The questions in this section were based on grammar, vocabulary and idioms, foreign phrases, paragraph formation, sentence construction and reading comprehension. The difficulty level of the section was comparable to that of last year. There was one Reading Comprehension passage with 2 questions, as against 4 questions last year. There were 2 questionsbased on certain definitions and concepts in grammar - 2 sentences based on a concept in grammar were given, and the student had to determine whether the sentences were true or false. These 2 questions could be classified as difficult.

Overall, the section was easy and a student with adequate preparation could have answered 14-15 questions correctly.

General Awareness (GA):This section was easier as compared to last year's in terms of difficulty level. Most of the questions were based on Static GK. The section had questions on:

  • Geography,
  • History
  • Politics,
  • Banking,
  • Sports and Games,
  • Current Affairs & General Knowledge.

A good student would be able to answer around 7-9 questions in this section.

Innovation andEntrepreneurship:Most of the questions dealt with common terminology used in the entrepreneurship domain. There were a few questions that needed little bit of conceptual clarity about this field. There were also a couple of current affairs/general awareness-based questions.

A good student would be able to answer around 8-10 questions in this section.

Overall, a score of 230+ in slot1 can be considered to be a good score (90+ percentile).