MBA Entrances-National Level

Exam Name Exam Pattern Comp based/PP Additional Points
CAT Three sections VA/RC, DI/LR and QA with 24,20 and 22 questions respectively.
Each section has a 40 mins time limit. Most questions are MCQs whereas few are Non Multiple choice questions, for which there will not be negative marking.
Computer Based You do not need to apply separately to most of the IIMs. However, for any other institute using CAT scorecard, applications will need to be submitted separately.
XAT The exam shall consist of the following sections:
Quantitative Ability, Verbal & Logical Ability,Decision Making and General Awareness
Computer Based The performance in General Awareness is not used for shortlisting of candidates for the GDPI round.
SNAP 60 Questions – 15 in General English , 20 in QA, DI/DS and 25 in Analytical and Logical Reasoning.
Total duration-1 hour
Computer Based Applicant needs to separately choose and apply to MBA programs of his/her choice. Rs 1000 is charged per program.Exam can be written max 3 times, best of 3 is considered.
CMAT 100 Questions – 20 each in QA & DI, LR, VA , GA and Innovation & Entrepreneurship Computer Based It is conducted once in the month of April/May.
NMAT 108 Questions in 120 Minutes, LS – 36 Q in 28 min; QS – 36 Q in 52 min; LR – 36 Q in 40 min Computer Based A candidate can write the test up to three times within the test window.
MICAT candidates are assessed on MICAT which consists of 6 sections:
Psychometric (P), Verbal ability (VA), Quantitative ability (QA), General awareness (GA) , Divergent-Convergent Reasoning (DCR) and Descriptive Test (DT).
Computer Based It is conducted twice and best of two is taken in case an applicant has taken it both the times.
MAT 200 Questions – VA (40), QA (40), LR (40), DI/DS (40), GA (40) Both Although the paper has a section on "India and Global Environment (GK)",
the scorecard is based only on the first 4 sections of the paper.
IBSAT 140 Questions in VA, RC, QA and DI - to be answered in 120 min Computer Based