NMAT 2020 analysis

NMAT 2020

NMAT 2020, scheduled from 4th Nov 2020 to 30th Jan 2021, spreading over a period of 88 days has been the longest window in the history of the exam thus far.

NMAT 2020 (Day 1, Slot 1), was conducted as CAT (computer adaptive test) for the first time unlike previous years when it used to be conducted as a computer-based test. Owing to the format, the initial set of questions (read moderate/difficult) carried higher weightage as compared to the easier questions. Also, there will be a huge penalty for un-attempted questions. There were no technical glitches reported and the exam seems to have been conducted smoothly across the country.

There were three sections in the question paper with no negative marking. The students were free to decide the sequence of sections as well. All the three sections had equal number of questions viz., 36. The three sections were timed viz., 52 mins for Quantitative skills, 40 mins for Logical Reasoning and 28 mins for Language skills. Those who have solved T.I.M.E.'s NMAT mocks would stand to benefit in the actual exam.

A few important aspects of the exam

  1. The exam is conducted in the computer adaptive test (CAT) format unlike previous years when it used to be conducted as computer-based test (CBT).
  2. The number of questions is reduced to 108 from 120 last year with equal distribution of questions in each section.
  3. One question at a time on the screen without any option to skip, which means a test-taker is supposed to attempt a question compulsorily.
  4. There is no "Mark for Review" button as all the questions are compulsory and revisiting a question is not permitted in computer adaptive test format.
  5. The testing window is 88 days this year as compared to 75 days in 2019.
  6. The test-takers are allowed to take the test from the "designated centres" or "Remotely Proctored Exam Mode" from home also.
  7. The test-takers would be given the scorecard at the end of the test.

Structure of the Exam

Section No of Questions Time
Language Skills 36 28
Quantitative Skills 36 52
Logical Reasoning 36 40
Total 108 120

As the exam is adaptive in nature, students will not the same paper. The exam will adapt to the skill levels of the test-takers based on the right or wrong responses. However, based on the feedback shared by our students and the practice mocks shared by GMAC, we can largely assume the paper to follow the pattern below

Quantitative Skills

Out of 36 questions in the Quantitative Skills section, majority of the questions would be based on problem solving. Few questions on data sufficiency could also be there. The questions will be from diverse areas like Arithmetic, Numbers, Geometry, P&C, Probability, Logarithms, Quadratic Equations, etc. There could be two to three sets on Data Interpretation also. The sets could have moderately lengthier calculations.

Logical Reasoning

This section will have the usual question type of Data arrangement, Coding-decoding, Comparison, Input/output, Deductions, Critical reasoning, Blood relationship, Sequence, Venn diagram, Direction sense, Conclusion/Assumptions, Strong Argument/Weak Argument, Course of Action, Decision Making, Logical Consistency, etc.

Language Skills

The test will comprise the following question types - Spotting error in a sentence, Fill in the blanks with prepositions, Analogies, Set of words to fill blanks in a set of sentences, Synonyms, Para jumbles, Cloze Test, Reading Comprehension Passages.

While attempting any question, which requires vertical scrolling it is suggested that the test-taker scrolls down completely to the bottom else the screen will not move to the next question.

The Test User Interface (UI) has also changed this year. It has three buttons at the bottom:

1. Help: To read the instructions

2. Colors: To select the black font on white background / white font on a black background (night mode)

3. Zoom: To select a view of 100%, 125% and 150% (approximate changes in the font)

Please make sure that you write all the Mock NMATs provided by T.I.M.E. to get yourself acquainted with all possible question types and fine tune your test taking strategy.

All the best!